Hire iOS Developers

Build Your iOS Team: Flexible Model, Trusted Team for 14+ Years

Finoit offers access to a curated selection of top-tier iOS application developers for hire, dedicated to providing the expertise required for the successful development of your iOS application development project. With a focus on iOS solutions, our carefully vetted developers possess the capabilities to handle projects of various complexities, from the initial concept to the final launch. Their unique combination of advanced technical expertise, innovation, and strategic insight ensures the development of compelling, user-centric mobile applications that are closely aligned with your business objectives.

  • Full Stack Software Agency
  • 250+ Certified Developers
  • Flexible Plans

How to Hire iOS
Developer From Finoit

Assess Your Project Requirements

Start by defining the scope of your iOS app, including its objectives, core features, and functionalities to understand the type of expertise needed. Identify the technical skills necessary for the project, such as proficiency in Swift, Objective-C, and experience with Xcode and various iOS frameworks and APIs. Additionally, set clear expectations for the project budget and timeline to ensure alignment with potential candidates.

Choose the Right Hiring Model

Finoit offers various engagement models like fixed-price contracts, time and material, and dedicated team models. The fixed-price model is good for well-defined projects, ensuring cost predictability. The time and material model offers flexibility for projects with evolving requirements. The dedicated team model is ideal for long-term projects. Assess your project requirements and constraints to choose the model that best fits your needs.

Kickstart the Hiring Process

Once you’ve assessed your requirements and chosen a hiring model, initiate the hiring process with Finoit. Start by reaching out to their team to discuss your project needs and get insights into their hiring process. Provide detailed information about your project to help them understand your specific requirements. They will present you with profiles of suitable iOS developers or teams that match your project criteria. You can then schedule interviews to assess the candidates’ technical skills, experience, and cultural fit.

Evaluate and Select Your iOS Developer

The evaluation stage is critical in selecting the right iOS developer for your project. Conduct thorough interviews and technical assessments to gauge the candidates’ proficiency in relevant technologies and their problem-solving abilities. Review their previous work, such as portfolio projects or case studies, to understand their experience and expertise. Assess their soft skills, including communication, teamwork, and adaptability, to ensure they fit well within your team and project environment.

Finalize Engagement and Onboarding

After selecting your iOS developer, finalize the engagement by agreeing on the terms and conditions, including the scope of work, payment terms, and project timeline. Ensure that all legal and contractual aspects are clearly defined and documented. Once the agreement is in place, begin the onboarding process. Introduce the developer to your team, provide access to necessary resources, and set up communication channels and project management tools.

Continuous Support and Project Management

Effective project management and continuous support are vital for the success of your iOS app development. Regularly communicate with your developer to monitor progress, address any issues, and provide feedback. Ensure that the developer has access to ongoing support and resources needed to overcome challenges. Regularly review project performance and make adjustments as necessary to stay on track. Continuous support and proactive management help in delivering a high-quality iOS app that meets your business objectives.

How Finoit’s iOS Developers build
High-Traffic and Data-Intensive Web

Finoit’s iOS developers build high-traffic and data-intensive web applications through a meticulous approach that combines robust architecture, scalable infrastructure, and cutting-edge technologies. Here’s a detailed look at their process:

How Finoit’s iOS Developers Leverage Various App Development Toolkit

Finoit’s iOS developers leverage a comprehensive suite of app development tools to build robust, efficient, and scalable applications. Here’s a detailed overview of how utilize various toolkits to achieve this:

Integrated Development Environment (IDE) – Xcode

Finoit’s developers use Xcode, Apple’s official IDE, which provides a robust environment for iOS app development. Xcode offers powerful features such as an intuitive interface, a rich code editor, and tools for debugging and performance analysis. Its integration with Swift and Objective-C, as well as Interface Builder, allows developers to design, code, and test applications seamlessly within a single platform. Xcode also supports XCTest, enabling comprehensive testing of app functionalities to ensure quality and reliability.

Programming Languages – Swift and Objective-C

Swift, Apple’s modern programming language, is heavily leveraged by Finoit’s developers for its performance, safety, and expressiveness. Swift’s syntax is concise and clean, reducing the chances of common errors and making the codebase more maintainable. For legacy projects or specific needs, they also utilize Objective-C, ensuring compatibility and seamless integration with existing codebases. Combining the strengths of both languages allows for versatile and efficient app development.

Server Technologies – Interface Builder and SwiftUI

Finoit’s developers use Interface Builder, integrated into Xcode, to create user interfaces visually. It allows them to design and configure UI components and layouts using a drag-and-drop interface, significantly speeding up the development process. For newer projects, SwiftUI is employed to build declarative UI, which enhances code readability and maintainability. SwiftUI enables the creation of responsive and adaptive interfaces that work seamlessly across different iOS devices.

Frameworks and Libraries

To enhance functionality and streamline development, Finoit’s developers integrate various iOS frameworks and libraries:

  • UIKit: For building and managing the app’s user interface.
  • CoreData: For data management and persistence.
  • AVFoundation: For working with audiovisual media.
  • CoreLocation: For location-based services and mapping.

Dependency Management – CocoaPods and Swift Package Manager

Managing dependencies and third-party libraries is crucial for efficient development. Finoit’s developers use CocoaPods and Swift Package Manager (SPM) to handle these dependencies. CocoaPods simplifies the integration of external libraries, ensuring that they are correctly configured and updated. SPM, integrated into Xcode, provides a native solution for managing Swift dependencies, promoting a seamless and consistent development experience.

Version Control – Git

Version control is essential for collaborative development and maintaining code integrity. Finoit’s developers use Git, along with platforms like GitHub or Bitbucket, to manage codebase. Git enables efficient version tracking, branching, and merging, allowing multiple developers to work on different features simultaneously without conflicts. It also provides a robust backup mechanism, ensuring that the code is safe and changes are well-documented.

Testing and Debugging Tools

Ensuring the quality and performance of applications is a top priority. Finoit’s developers utilize various testing and debugging tool to distribute pre-release versions to testers and gather feedback before the official release. These tools help in identifying issues early and ensuring that the application performs optimally under different conditions.

Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD)

Automating the build, test, and deployment processes is critical for efficient and reliable app development. Finoit’s developers implement CI/CD pipelines using tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI, or CircleCI. These tools automate the integration of code changes, run automated tests, and deploy the app to various environments, ensuring quick and consistent delivery of updates and new features.

How Finoit’s iOS Developers Ensure Responsive Design Across Different Devices

Finoit’s iOS developers ensure responsive design across different devices by employing a combination of best practices, tools, and frameworks to create applications that adapt seamlessly to various screen sizes and resolutions.

Utilizing Auto Layout

Auto Layout is a powerful tool within Xcode that Finoit’s developers use to create responsive interfaces. It allows them to define constraints for UI elements, ensuring that these elements adjust their size and position dynamically based on the screen size and orientation. By using Auto Layout, developers can create a single interface that looks great on all devices, from iPhones to iPads.

Implementing Adaptive Layouts

Adaptive layouts involve designing interfaces that can adapt to different screen sizes and orientations. Our developers use Size Classes and Trait Variations in Xcode to handle these variations. Size Classes define general screen size and orientation traits, allowing developers to create layouts that adapt to these traits.

Employing SwiftUI for Declarative UI

Our developers leverage SwiftUI, Apple’s declarative UI framework, to build responsive interfaces efficiently. SwiftUI automatically adapts to different screen sizes and orientations, reducing the need for manual adjustments. Its declarative syntax makes it easier to define complex interfaces that can scale and adapt dynamically.

Designing with Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)

Using scalable vector graphics (SVG), our developers ensure that images and icons remain sharp and clear on all screen sizes and resolutions. Finoit’s developers incorporate SVG assets into their designs, which can scale up or down without losing quality. This approach is particularly useful for maintaining visual consistency across different devices, including Retina displays.

Utilizing Responsive Design Patterns

Finoit’s developers follow established responsive design patterns, such as fluid grids, flexible images, and media queries, to create adaptable layouts. Fluid grids allow the layout to resize proportionally to the screen size. Flexible images and media queries help adjust the size and visibility of images and other media content based on the device’s screen size and resolution.

Testing Across Multiple Devices and Emulators

Thorough testing is crucial to ensure responsive design and our developers use a combination of physical devices and emulators to test their applications across different screen sizes, resolutions, and orientations. Xcode’s built-in simulators provide a range of device options for testing, while physical devices ensure that the app performs well under real-world conditions.

Leveraging Dynamic Type and Accessibility Features

Supporting dynamic type and accessibility features ensures that the app is usable and responsive to different user preferences and needs. Our developers use dynamic type to allow users to adjust font sizes according to their preferences, ensuring readability across all devices.

Why Choose Finoit for iOS Development

Our iOS Development Experience

Development Skills of our iOS developers

Types of Applications
Our iOS developers Build

Below is just a glimpse of the diverse apps that we build. We are always open to working on new Android app ideas and keep adding new categories of apps in our portfolio.

Cost of Hiring iOS developers at Finoit

Hiring iOS developers from Finoit offers a range of benefits, including flexible billing options, a strong value proposition, and various collaboration models tailored to meet your specific needs.

Factors Influencing the Cost

The cost of hiring iOS developers at Finoit can vary based on factors like project complexity, developer experience, technical expertise, and engagement duration. Complex projects or advanced skills may command higher rates, and ongoing support and maintenance can also affect the cost. Finoit provides detailed and transparent cost estimates tailored to specific requirements.

Value Proposition

Finoit offers a strong value proposition by providing access to highly skilled and experienced iOS developers who are adept at leveraging the latest technologies and best practices. The developers’ expertise in creating high-quality, scalable, and secure iOS applications ensures that you receive a product that meets your business needs and exceeds user expectations.

Billing and Payment Flexibility

Finoit offers flexible billing and payment options to accommodate various project needs and budget constraints. Clients can choose from different engagement models, such as fixed-price contracts for well-defined projects, time and material models for projects with evolving requirements, or dedicated team models for long-term engagements.

ROI and Cost Justification

Investing in Finoit’s iOS developers provides a strong return on investment (ROI) through high-quality application development that meets your business goals. By delivering robust, user-friendly, and scalable applications, Finoit helps you achieve better user engagement, increased revenue, and improved operational efficiency. The cost justification lies in the expertise and dedication of the developers, who ensure that your application functions flawlessly and stands out in a competitive market.

Collaboration Model

Finoit’s collaboration model is designed to ensure seamless communication and efficient project management. Utilizing agile methodologies, they maintain regular communication through various email, video calls, and project management tools like JIRA, Trello, or Asana. This collaborative approach ensures transparency, timely updates, and the ability to address any issues or changes in project requirements quickly.

Team Augmentation with iOS Developers

For clients looking to enhance their existing development teams, Finoit offers team augmentation services. This model allows you to hire iOS developers who work as an extension of your in-house team, providing additional expertise and capacity. This approach is ideal for scaling your team quickly to meet project deadlines or to bring in specialized skills that are not available internally.

Dedicated iOS Developer Team

Finoit provides a collaboration model for hiring a dedicated iOS developer team for your project. Our team is fully committed to working on your project, ensuring focused and uninterrupted development. A dedicated team model is particularly beneficial for long-term projects or when continuous development, updates, and support are needed.

Our Certifications

Our Successful Projects Using iOS developers

Customer Testimonials

Get in touch, let’s discuss your project

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    A custom software development firm with over 14 years of credibility in delivering premium software development services.

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    Micr-level visibility in processes that build trust and makes us a highly transparent software development company.

  • In-budget, On-time

    A software development agency that Startups, SMBs, and enterprises rely on for in-budget and on-time delivery of their software development needs.


6565 N MacArthur Blvd, STE 225 Irving, Texas, 75039, United States

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What types of iOS applications can Finoit develop?

Finoit’s iOS developers can create a wide variety of applications including enterprise apps, e-commerce platforms, social networking apps, healthcare solutions, finance and banking apps, on-demand service apps, education and e-learning applications, travel and hospitality apps, gaming applications, and utility tools.

How does Finoit ensure the quality of iOS applications?

Finoit ensures high-quality iOS applications through rigorous testing and quality assurance processes. This includes unit testing, integration testing, performance testing, and user acceptance testing. Additionally, Finoit’s developers follow best practices and coding standards, leverage automated testing tools, and perform regular code reviews to maintain quality and reliability.

What are the key factors influencing the cost of hiring iOS developers at Finoit?

The cost is influenced by several factors including the complexity and scope of the project, the experience level of the developers, the required technical expertise, and the duration of the engagement. Customized solutions, advanced functionalities, and continuous support and maintenance can also affect the overall cost.

What billing and payment options does Finoit offer?

Finoit offers flexible billing and payment options tailored to your project needs. You can choose from fixed-price contracts for well-defined projects, time and material models for projects with evolving requirements, or dedicated team models for long-term engagements. These flexible options help align with your financial planning and project scope.

How quickly can Finoit allocate a development team for my project?

Finoit can allocate a dedicated development team within 72 hours. This rapid team deployment ensures that your project can start promptly, helping you meet tight deadlines and launch schedules without unnecessary delays.

Can I assess Finoit’s developers before making a commitment?

Yes, Finoit allows you to assess their developers before making a commitment. You can conduct interviews, review portfolios, and assign small test projects to evaluate their skills and compatibility with your project needs. This approach ensures that you select the right talent for your project.