Hire the Best Android App Developers

Build Your Android App Development Team: Flexible Model, Trusted Team for 14+ Years

Craft super-efficient android applications with the industry-best android app developers. Offering superior technical skills blended with business understanding, our developers build secure and scalable android apps that exceed your expectations.

  • Full Stack Software Agency
  • 250+ Certified Developers
  • Flexible Plans

How to Hire Android App Developers From Finoit

With this simple process to hire app developers from us, it is easier for you to build your dream application.

Assessment of your Project Requirements

First, we thoroughly assess your Android app project requirements, detailing the scope, target audience, key features, and technical specifications like platform versions, necessary APIs, and security protocols.

Choose the Right Hiring Model

Next, we determine the best hiring model based on your scope, budget, and timeline, so as to perfectly allocate resources with the specific Android expertise your project demands.

Evaluate and Select Your Android App Developer

Moving ahead, we help you evaluate candidates through resume screening, technical interviews focusing on Android development, coding tests, and portfolio reviews so as to offer you a team of developers that possess the necessary Android development skills and experience.

Finalize Engagement and Onboarding

Once selected, we finalize the terms, defining roles and responsibilities specific to Android development. Our onboarding process integrates the developer into your project, providing access to Android development tools and resources.

Continuous Support and Project Management

Throughout the development process, we provide continuous support through regular check-ins, and performance evaluations and we leverage agile methodologies for fruitful project results. For us it is important that the Android development process stays on track, maintains quality and meets your objectives.

How Finoit Helps Use Android for High-Traffic and Data-Intensive Mobile Apps

Leveraging technologies like Kotlin for efficient codebase management and Android Jetpack components such as ViewModel and LiveData, we robustly handle concurrent user interactions and real-time data updates. Our expertise extends to implementing scalable backend solutions using frameworks like Retrofit for RESTful API integration and Room for local data storage, for seamless synchronization and minimal latency. With strategies like pagination for managing large datasets and caching mechanisms for rapid data retrieval, we make the app perform under varying network conditions to deliver a responsive and reliable user experience.

How Finoit Leverages Android Fundamentals and the Developer’s Toolkit

Our developers leverage Material Design guidelines to build intuitive user interfaces, where they integrate advanced features such as MotionLayout for rich animations and ConstraintLayout for responsive UI design. We optimize app performance with tools like Android Profiler for real-time performance monitoring and ProGuard for code obfuscation and size optimization. We thus build apps that are not only visually appealing but also maintainable and scalable.

How Finoit Helps you Capitalize on Android App Capabilities

We specialize in integrating cutting-edge technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR) using ARCore. Our expertise extends to leveraging Android’s support for multi-window mode and adaptive layouts, which optimizes apps for diverse device form including foldable smartphones and tablets. By staying at the forefront of Android advancements and adopting a modular architecture approach, we fast adapt to changes.

Why Hire Android Developers From Finoit

Full-time Dedicated Resources

Our developers immerse themselves in your vision by developing a deeper understanding of your specific requirements so that your project gets the consistent attention and expertise it deserves. It results in a more cohesive, efficient, and high-quality development process through which we deliver robust, scalable, and user-friendly Android applications.

Qualified Resources

We offer highly qualified developers for hire, each with extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of the latest technologies, frameworks, and best practices. They bring proficiency in Kotlin and Java and are up-to-date with the latest Android SDKs and development tools, and build your app on a solid, versatile foundation.

Simplified Billing

We understand that managing finances can be a significant pain point, which is why we offer transparent pricing models and simple-to-follow invoicing that eliminates hassle in billing. With no hidden costs, you can easily track your expenses, plan your budget, and focus on meeting your project requirements.

Team Allocation Within 72 Hours

Hire mobile app developers from Finoit to quickly build an MVP and even a fully-featured application. Our streamlined onboarding process ensures that your dedicated team is ready to hit the ground running, aligning with your goals and timelines. You can start your project as well as your growth journey immediately.

Assess Before You Commit

We believe in building long-term partnerships based on trust and performance and so we offer a trial period or initial project consultation where you can assess our capabilities before making a long-term commitment. By witnessing our dedication and expertise firsthand, you can make an informed decision with confidence, knowing that we are fully equipped to deliver the solutions you need.

Our Android App Development Experience

Technological Proficiency of Our Android App Developers

Types of Applications Our
Android App Developers Build

Below is just a glimpse of the diverse apps that we build. We are always open to working on new Android app ideas and keep adding new categories of apps in our portfolio.

Cost of Android App Developers at Finoit

Factors Influencing the Cost

We evaluate complexity, design requirements, integration needs, platform compatibility, and feature set to determine development hours, technology stack, and resource allocation, directly impacting the overall project cost.

Value Proposition

Our experts define the app’s unique benefits, competitive advantages, and user value based on how the product will meet market needs, drive user engagement and satisfaction. As a guiding light, this step helps us align the development process with business goals and user expectations.

Billing and Payment Flexibility

Since we understand that budgetary and financial conditions vary from business to business, we offer various payment models like fixed-price, time-and-material, or milestone-based billing to accommodate client budget preferences. Clients thus have the opportunity to collaborate with us through these transparent, flexible, and manageable payment structures.

ROI and Cost Justification

We analyze potential revenue streams, market demand, user acquisition costs, and long-term maintenance expenses to justify initial investment, to make sure that the app delivers measurable financial returns and aligns with the client’s strategic business objectives.

Collaboration Model

Comprehensive Android App Development Services Our Android App Developers Cater

Custom Android App Development

From Android mobiles and tablets to Smart TVs and wearables, our developers harness robust technologies to develop apps that resonate authentically with each client’s business requirements. We build user-focused Android applications that offer captivating user experiences and also generate high ROI.

Android App Development Consultation

We empower clients by providing strategic guidance on Android app development . Our consultants provide expert guidance through best practices, technology stack selection, and development approach to build trailblazing Android apps.

Android App Architecture

We architect scalable Android solutions using clean architecture principles, integrating libraries like Retrofit for network operations and Room for local data storage. Our approach emphasizes separation of concerns, asynchronous programming with RxJava, and dependency injection for maintainability and testability.

Android UI/UX Design

Through user-centric design, we create intuitive interfaces using Android Studio and XML. Our designs incorporate responsive layouts, animations with MotionLayout, and accessibility features to make them compatible across different Android OS versions.

Android App Testing and Quality Assurance

We conduct comprehensive testing across various devices and Android versions, using both automated tools and manual testing methods, so that the app functions seamlessly under all conditions and meets performance standards.

Android App Porting

Our porting process includes API level compatibility checks, adaptation of UI components with Material Design guidelines, and rigorous performance profiling for optimized user experience. We use Jetpack components and Kotlin multi-platform capabilities for smooth migration across Android platforms.

Android App Support and Maintenance

We regularly monitor for performance issues and crash incidents using advanced analytics tools like Firebase Analytics and Crashlytics. We offer regular updates for security patches, OS updates, and feature enhancements as a part of our commitment to sustaining app functionality.

Our Certifications

From time to time we have showcased our commitment to upholding the highest standards in Android
App development, which is demonstrated by our association as

Our Successful Projects Using Android App

Customer Testimonials

Get in touch, let’s discuss your project

Risk-free, Trusted Software Development Partner

  • Experienced and Proven

    A custom software development firm with over 14 years of credibility in delivering premium software development services.

  • Transparent and Dependable

    Micr-level visibility in processes that build trust and makes us a highly transparent software development company.

  • In-budget, On-time

    A software development agency that Startups, SMBs, and enterprises rely on for in-budget and on-time delivery of their software development needs.


6565 N MacArthur Blvd, STE 225 Irving, Texas, 75039, United States

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why should you hire Android app developers for your business?

Hiring dedicated Android app developers is important for businesses aiming to leverage the massive user base of Android devices. Skilled developers bring technical expertise and make perfectly align the app with the Android platform’s design guidelines and performance standards. They are experts in customizing solutions to suit diverse business needs, integrating cutting-edge features like AI or IoT, and optimizing it for scalability and user engagement.

What to consider when hiring Android app developers?

When hiring Android app developers, it’s essential to evaluate their experience in developing apps that you want to build, their portfolio of completed projects, and client testimonials. Look for software developers who are proficient in Java or Kotlin, have a good understanding of Android SDK, Flutter, and React Native. Technical skills don’t just suffice and you must also look for strong communication skills and a collaborative mindset in developers.

How much does it cost to develop an Android App?

The cost of developing an Android app can vary significantly based on several factors such as app complexity, features, design requirements, development team location, and development approach (native or hybrid), and whether you are hiring freelance developers or full-time developers. To get a precise estimate, it’s advisable to discuss your project specifics with our team who will provide a detailed quote based on your unique requirements.

How long does it take to build an Android app?

The timeline for developing an Android app depends on its complexity and the features involved.Factors such as design complexity, back-end infrastructure development, and approval processes on app stores also contribute to the overall timeline. To get an idea on the time your project will take, please connect with our project management team.

Which platform is best for Android App development?

The choice between native and cross-platform development should be based on factors such as app complexity, target audience, budget, and long-term maintenance needs. Native development using Java or Kotlin is ideal for apps that require high performance, native device access, and a seamless user experience tailored to Android devices. Alternatively, cross-platform frameworks like Flutter or React Native offer advantages such as code reusability across Android and iOS, faster development cycles, and potentially lower costs.

How does Finoit assist a non-technical person build an Android app?

We start by understanding your vision and business objectives, guiding you through each phase of the app development journey. Our team translates complex technical concepts into clear, understandable language, so that you feel confident and informed throughout the process. We leverage intuitive development tools and platforms that simplify communication, allowing you to visualize the app’s progress, provide feedback, and make informed decisions at every step.

What is the Android app development process that Finoit follows?

At Finoit, our Android app development process begins with comprehensive planning and strategy, where we analyze your requirements and define the project scope. We then proceed with UI/UX design to build a user-centric interface. Development involves coding, integration of features, and rigorous testing to make the app function flawlessly across various Android devices. Post-launch, we provide maintenance and support services to address issues and incorporate updates as needed.

How can I track the progress of my Android app development project?

We provide you with access to a dedicated project manager who serves as your primary point of contact and keeps you updated on milestones, tasks completed, and upcoming deliverables. Additionally, we use collaborative platforms where you are able to view project timelines, monitor development progress in real-time, provide feedback, and track changes.