What is Website Hosting? Web Hosting Service Types, Features, and More

Website Hosting

A robust and high-performance website is a hallmark of success for today’s businesses. To build a strong online presence you need a good website and for that you need to host it. At its core, web hosting makes a website accessible on the internet by storing its files—ranging from HTML and CSS to JavaScript and multimedia content—on powerful web servers. These servers not only store the data but also handle the requests from browsers.

Whether you’re setting up a personal web platform, launching an eCommerce store, or building a real estate listing site like Zillow, you must be familiar with the process of hosting. From types, features, and factors for choosing a web hosting service provider, there are several things that you must thoroughly understand so as to get fully accustomed to the idea of web hosting. We are here to cover that information and assist you choose the right course for hosting your website.

What Is Web Hosting?

Web hosting is a service using which organizations make their websites accessible via the internet. Technically, web hosting involves storing website files on specialized computers called servers, which are connected to the internet. When users want to view a website, they enter the website’s address into their browser, which sends a request to the server where the website is hosted. The server then responds by sending the requested web pages to the user’s browser.

Web hosting services come in various forms, including shared hosting, virtual private servers (VPS), dedicated servers, and cloud hosting, each offering different levels of performance, control, and cost.

Multiple components and technologies make a part of the web hosting ecosystem. These include the physical infrastructure such as high-powered servers and data centers with robust internet connections, as well as software components like web server software (e.g., Apache, Nginx) that manage HTTP requests. Additionally, hosting service providers offer domain name services (DNS) to map domain names to IP addresses, database support for dynamic content, and security measures like SSL/TLS to encrypt data transmitted between the server and users.

How does Web Hosting Work?

The processing of hosting a website comprises multiple steps. Each of these steps must be rightly executed so that the hosted website functions as intended. These are the steps that must be carried out to host a website on the internet include:

Choose a Web Hosting Provider

The first step in web hosting involves selecting a suitable web hosting provider. This decision is based on factors such as the amount of storage, bandwidth, uptime guarantees, and the level of customer support required. After researching and comparing different providers, their hosting packages, you sign up and choose a hosting plan that fits your website’s needs, which can range from basic shared hosting to more advanced options like VPS or dedicated hosting.

Domain Name Registration

Next, you need to register a domain name, which serves as the unique address of your website on the internet (e.g., www.example.com). This can be done through your web hosting provider or a separate domain registrar. The registration process ensures that your chosen domain name is unique and links it to your hosting account, and is accessible to users worldwide.

Setting Up DNS

Once the domain is registered, the Domain Name System (DNS) needs to be configured to point the domain to your web host’s servers. Here you set the domain’s name servers to those provided by your web host, which translates the human-readable domain name into an IP address that computers use to locate the server hosting your website.

Website Development

With the domain and hosting in place, the next step is to develop your website. Web developers write code using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, or using a Content Management System (CMS) like WordPress to create and manage your site’s content more easily. During this phase, the website is tested locally to ensure that it functions correctly before being deployed to the live server.

Uploading Website Files

Once the website is developed and tested, it needs to be uploaded to the web server. It is typically done using File Transfer Protocol (FTP) or Secure FTP (SFTP), which allow you to transfer files from your local computer to the web server. Many hosting providers also offer a web-based control panel (e.g., cPanel) that can be used to upload files directly and manage other aspects of your hosting account.

Database Setup

If your website requires a database (e.g., for storing user data or content), you will need to create and configure it via the hosting control panel. You have to set up a new database, create a user with the necessary permissions, and update your website’s configuration files with the database details such as the hostname, database name, username, and password.

DNS Propagation

After making DNS changes, there is a period known as DNS propagation, which can take up to 24-48 hours. During this time, the DNS changes spread across the internet, updating records so that the domain name points to the new hosting server.

Website Launch

Once DNS propagation is complete and all files are uploaded, your website becomes accessible via your domain name. At this point, you should thoroughly test the live site to ensure that everything is functioning as expected. Check links, forms, and all interactive elements to confirm they are working correctly.

Types of Web Hosting Service

Now that you understand what web hosting entails, let’s explore the various types of web hosting plans available. Hosting providers evaluate factors like speed, storage space, and cost when designing their plans. Four major types of web hosting services include:

  • Shared Hosting
  • VPS (Virtual Private Server) Hosting
  • Dedicated Hosting
  • Cloud Hosting

1. Shared Hosting

A shared hosting plan is the most cost-effective and user-friendly type of hosting plan, which makes it a popular choice for beginners, small businesses, and personal websites. In this setup, multiple websites reside on a single physical server and share its resources, such as CPU, RAM, and storage. This shared environment helps keep costs low, as the hosting provider spreads the operating expenses among multiple customers. For some duration, you may also be able to avail free hosting. Users typically have access to a control panel, like cPanel, to manage their websites, which simplifies tasks like installing software, managing files, and configuring email accounts.

However, because resources are shared, the performance of your website can be affected by the activities of other websites on the same server. If one site experiences a spike in traffic or consumes excessive resources, it can slow down the performance of other sites. Security can also be a concern, as vulnerabilities in one site can potentially affect others on the same server. Despite these downsides of sharing hosting, it remains a practical solution for situations where the technical expertise is limited and there are budget constraints.

2. VPS (Virtual Private Server) Hosting

VPS hosting offers a middle ground between shared and dedicated hosting by providing a virtualized server environment. A physical server is divided into multiple virtual servers using hypervisor technology (such as VMware or KVM), and each VPS operates independently with its own operating system and dedicated resources like CPU, RAM, and storage. This segregation ensures better performance and reliability, as the activities of other virtual servers do not impact your site. VPS hosting is ideal for growing businesses, developers, and users needing more control and customization than shared web hosting can offer.

Users have root access to their VPS, and they can install custom software, configure server settings, and perform advanced administrative tasks. The level of control is beneficial for running complex applications or custom configurations that are not possible in a shared hosting environment. While VPS hosting is more expensive than shared hosting, it provides a significant improvement in performance, security, and scalability, making it a viable option for websites that have outgrown the limitations of shared hosting.

3. Dedicated Hosting

Dedicated hosting provides an entire physical server exclusively for a single customer, offering the highest level of performance, security, and control, through dedicated server resources, including CPU, RAM, and storage. It is ideal for large businesses, high-traffic websites, and applications with specific resource and security requirements. Users have complete control over the server, which allows them to make custom configurations, software installations, and advanced security measures tailored to their needs.

With dedicated hosting, you do not share resources with any other sites, and the performance is consistent regardless of traffic spikes or resource demands. The exclusivity also enhances security, as the server is isolated from potential threats posed by other websites. However, dedicated hosting comes at a premium cost and requires a higher level of technical expertise to manage effectively. Some providers offer managed dedicated hosting services, where the hosting company handles server maintenance, updates, and security, allowing businesses to focus on their core activities.

4. Cloud Hosting

Cloud hosting leverages a network of interconnected servers to provide scalable and flexible hosting solutions. Instead of relying on a single physical server, your website taps into a “cloud” of resources distributed across multiple servers. Resources are dynamically allocated to handle traffic spikes and demand surges and so the hosting setup offers high availability and reliability. Cloud hosting is particularly suitable for websites and applications requiring high uptime, scalability, and the ability to handle variable traffic loads efficiently.

One of the key advantages of cloud hosting is its pay-as-you-go pricing model, where you pay only for the resources you use. So, it is a cost-efficient model that makes it attractive for startups, growing businesses, and enterprises that need to build a business website that can scale resources up or down based on demand. Additionally, cloud hosting offers robust disaster recovery options, as data is typically mirrored across multiple servers, ensuring minimal downtime and data loss. While cloud hosting can be more complex to manage than traditional hosting solutions, many providers offer managed cloud services to simplify the process and provide technical support.

Key Features of Web Hosting

Now that we understand web hosting and its different types, let’s explore the features of web hosting and how they play their part in the hosting process.


Storage in web hosting refers to the amount of disk space allocated on the server for your website’s files, databases, emails, and other essential data. The type and amount of storage can vary greatly between different hosting plans and providers.

Traditional storage methods include Hard Disk Drives (HDDs), which offer substantial storage capacity at a lower cost but with slower read/write speeds. More modern hosting solutions often use Solid State Drives (SSDs), which, although typically more expensive, provide significantly faster data access speeds and improved overall performance due to their lack of moving parts.


Bandwidth is the amount of data that can be transferred between your website and its users over a given period, usually measured in gigabytes (GB) per month. From uploads and downloads, including page views, file downloads, streaming media, and any other data exchange is thus regulated by bandwidth.

High bandwidth is essential for websites with heavy traffic or large file transfers, so that users can access the website smoothly and without delay. Effective bandwidth management includes optimizing media files, leveraging Content Delivery Networks (CDNs), and implementing caching strategies to reduce data load and enhance website performance.


The percentage of time that a hosting server is operational and accessible via the internet denotes the uptime of a website. It is a critical metric for evaluating the reliability of a hosting service, typically expressed as a percentage over a year. For instance, an uptime of 99.9% translates to approximately 8.76 hours of downtime annually. Higher uptime percentages indicate more reliable service, which is essential for maintaining website availability and ensuring a positive user experience.

Various factors can affect uptime, including server maintenance, hardware failures, network issues, and cyber-attacks. Hosting providers often use redundant systems, backup power supplies, and multiple data centers to maximize uptime. Make use of monitoring tools and alerts to track uptime and respond quickly to any downtime, minimizing disruption and potential revenue loss.


Security in web hosting encompasses all measures taken to protect a website and its data from cyber threats, including hacking, data breaches, malware, and other forms of cyber-attacks. Key security features provided by hosting providers often include firewalls, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates, regular software updates, and DDoS protection.

Advanced security measures also involve regular security audits, intrusion detection systems, and automated backups to safeguard data integrity. Before going with a hosting provider, check if it offers managed security services, where it effortlessly handles all security aspects, or unmanaged services.

Customer Support

Good customer support is essential to resolve technical issues and ensure the smooth operation of their websites. Customer support is something that can significantly impact user satisfaction and the overall hosting experience.

Support can be offered through various channels, including live chat, email, phone, and support tickets. Many providers also offer comprehensive knowledge bases, tutorials, and forums to assist users in troubleshooting and learning about hosting features independently.

Considerations for Choosing a Web Hosting Provider

Given the plethora of options available, it’s important to compare them across multiple parameters. As a website owner, carefully assess providers based on these parameters and look for web hosting companies that offer plenty of room for growth.


The hosting platform must be robust to accommodate a growing website. It must be able to handle an increasing number of users, traffic, and data without compromising performance. This typically involves the availability of flexible plans that can be upgraded seamlessly, such as moving from shared hosting to VPS or dedicated servers.

A scalable provider will support load balancing, auto-scaling, and provide ample resources like CPU, RAM, and storage to meet growing demands. Cloud-based solutions often excel in scalability due to their inherent elasticity, and allow businesses to scale resources up or down based on real-time needs.


Performance is critical in web hosting as it directly affects website speed, responsiveness, and user experience. Key performance factors include server hardware quality (SSD vs. HDD), the server’s geographical location, and the use of content delivery networks (CDNs) to reduce latency.

Additionally, the performance of the website is influenced by server software optimizations, including the use of caching mechanisms, HTTP/2, and support for modern web technologies. Uptime guarantees, typically 99.9% or higher, are also indicative of reliable performance.


Security features in web hosting are essential to protect websites from threats such as hacking, malware, and data breaches. Robust security measures should include SSL certificates for encrypted communications, regular software updates and patches, DDoS protection, and firewalls.

A good host gives you advanced features such as intrusion detection systems (IDS), two-factor authentication (2FA), and automated backups to safeguard data. Compliance with security standards and certifications, such as PCI-DSS for e-commerce sites will further bolster the website.

Customer Support

Customer support is a crucial factor, especially when technical issues arise. A reliable web hosting provider should offer 24/7 support through multiple channels, including live chat, phone, email, and support tickets. The quality of support is also important, requiring knowledgeable staff capable of resolving issues efficiently.

There are providers that will offer dedicated account managers or priority support for higher-tier plans. Access to a comprehensive knowledge base, forums, and tutorials will be an added advantage as it will help users troubleshoot problems independently.


For determining web hosting will come with diverse costs, including hidden costs such as setup fees, renewal rates, and charges for additional services like backups or domain registration. To calculate the ROI, evaluate the value provided by the hosting plans relative to their price.

It’s essential to balance affordability with the features and resources offered. If your website is small then basic plans will suffice, while more expensive plans typically provide better performance, more storage, advanced security, and higher scalability. Ultimately, the total cost of ownership will reflect the hosting needs and growth potential of the website.

Difference Between Web Hosting and Domain


Web Hosting

Domain Name


Service that provides storage space on a server for websites

A unique address used to identify a website on the internet

Primary Function

Hosts the website files, databases, and applications

Points to the web hosting service to access the website


Storage, bandwidth, email services, databases, security features

Domain name, DNS (Domain Name System) records

Provider Examples

Bluehost, HostGator, SiteGround

GoDaddy, Namecheap, Google Domains


Varies based on storage, bandwidth, and additional features (monthly/yearly fee)

Typically an annual fee, can vary by TLD and registrar

Setup Requirement

Setting up server, installing website files, configuring security

Registering the name, configuring DNS settings

Technical Skills

May require knowledge of server management and website deployment

Basic knowledge to register and point to hosting


Generally monthly or yearly subscription

Annually, though multi-year registrations are possible

Control Panel

Typically includes cPanel, Plesk, or a custom interface for managing hosting features

Domain management dashboard for DNS settings and renewals


Necessary for the actual content of the website to be accessible online

Required to make the website addressable and accessible on the web


Can upgrade storage, bandwidth, and features as needed

Can be transferred to another registrar if needed


Hosting providers significantly improve a website’s performance and reliability, while the wrong one leads to downtime, security vulnerabilities, and a poor user experience.

As a professional software development company, Finoir will prove to be of great help with our expert insights. We will assess your specific needs, recommend the best hosting options, and handle the technical setup. Right from development to hosting and website maintenance, we will assist you across a spectrum of activities involved in website lifecycle.

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