Web Developers: Qualifications, Key Skills, Duties, and Salaries

Web Developers

Web developers, one commonly used term in the business world for the last couple of decades has gained rising popularity with time. Everybody is enticed by the idea, including those who want to hire web developers for building a website for their business, and even those who want to have a fruitful career in the profession.

The value web developers add to the business is immense. If you are operating an online store, the efficiency of your web developers will dictate the efficiency of your online store, and ultimately the success in the competition. Similarly, if you want to build an online real estate marketplace, you need to have a team of honed web developers who understand the intricacies of not just web development but also the niceties of real estate. So, web developers work in a sphere where technical skill sets combine with the industry knowledge.

We delve into the important role in the IT industry and understand its various facets by discussing them comprehensively.

What Is Web Development?

Web development is the process of conceptualizing, designing, developing and maintaining websites and web applications. A typical web development ecosystem consists of two important components viz. frontend development and backend development.

Developers work on how users interact with the web site, add essential features, and connect everything to the backend systems. They use various tools and technologies to build the different components of a web application ecosystem, making sure that the site works well on different devices, loads quickly, and keeps data secure.

What is a Web Developer?

Web developers are professionals who specialize in developing web sites and web applications. They work with clients to understand their requirements and translate them into functional, user-friendly web applications.

Adept at creating responsive layouts that adapt to various devices and screen sizes, web developers are tasked with an important responsibility of offering a seamless user experience across desktops, tablets, and smartphones. They collaborate with web designers, content creators, and SEO experts to integrate and optimize visual elements, multimedia content, and other interactive features into websites.

What Does A Web Developer Do?

Web developers create websites and also participate in collaboration, planning, and maintenance. The core job is to write code that is standard-compliant but they also have to work closely with web designers so as to translate visual designs into functional websites. Going ahead, we shall go into the details of what roles and responsibilities a web developer performs.

Types of Web Developers

There are three types of web developers, with the first two dealing with the front-end and back-end aspects of the application and the last dealing with both. Let’s see how each one of them contributes to the web development process.

Front-End Developers

Front-end web developers specialize in the visual and interactive aspects of a website, focusing on the user interface (UI), user experience (UX), structure, styling, and interactivity. Responsible for translating design concepts into interactive and visually appealing interfaces, they use various frameworks and libraries to implement dynamic and responsive web design principles.

Back-End Developers

Back-end web developers handle the server-side functionality of web applications, working with server logic, databases, and application integration. They focus on the underlying logic, database interactions, server configurations, and application programming interfaces (APIs) that enable the front-end to function seamlessly. Server security, scalability, and performance are all responsibilities of a back-end developer.

Full-Stack Developers

Full-stack developers possess expertise in both front-end and back-end technologies, which means they can develop a complete web application. They are adept in both front-end and back-end technologies. Due to their holistic understanding of both client-side and server-side technologies they can effortlessly handle all phases of the development process, right from user interface (UI) design to server and database management, which makes them a valuable resource in web development projects.

Web Developer Tasks And Responsibilities

These are the responsibilities of a web developer – encompassing a wide range of tasks – that keep websites not only functional but also secure, efficient, and user-friendly.

Website Development

The primary responsibility of web developers is to build functional and visually appealing websites. They implement features, optimize code, and adhere to industry standards for maintaining website quality and sustaining their performance.

Code Management

In web development, web developers are tasked to manage code repositories and version control systems so as to track changes and collaborate with team members. They organize codebase structure and maintain documentation for efficient development and troubleshooting.

Quality Assurance and Debugging

Web developers execute comprehensive testing procedures to identify and rectify website bugs and compatibility issues, thus maintaining a high level of quality.

Website Maintenance

Regular maintenance of websites to keep them up-to-date and secure also comes within the scope of web developers. Post launch, they keep monitoring the website and bring necessary technical and functional improvements.


Web developers have to maintain detailed documentation of software architecture, code structure, and development processes. This documentation serves as a reference for team members and assures continuity throughout the development lifecycle.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

Employing responsive design principles and techniques to optimize layouts and content for various screen sizes and resolutions is one key task that falls within the role of web developers.

Project Management and Communication

During the development process, web developers collaborate with various stakeholders to translate technical and business requirements into a viable solution. Going with the framed project plan, they must complete every task on time and align project requirements with objectives.

Database Management

Designing and managing databases for data storage and retrieval of website data is performed by web developers. They optimize database queries, implement data validation, and maintain data integrity to support website functionality and performance.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Web developers optimize websites for search engines to improve visibility and ranking in search results. They play an important role, especially on the technical SEO front where they implement schema markup and structured data to enhance search engine crawlers’ understanding of website content.

Version Control and Deployment

Web developers use version control systems and deployment tools to manage codebase changes and deploy updates to production environments.

Security Auditing

Conducting security audits and penetration tests for vulnerability identification and mitigation is a key role of website developers. Performing code reviews and vulnerability scans, and implementing ethical hacking techniques to assess website security posture is a part of this process.

What are the Qualifications Required for a Web Developer?

A web developer must possess the following qualifications so as to build a successful career in website development.

  • The primary requirement is a bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related field. Some developers may be self-taught or have completed coding bootcamps in web development, despite having a different educational background.

Apart from formal educational background, to become a web developer one must have:

  • Expertise as programmers with proficiency in relevant programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and back-end languages like PHP, Python, or Ruby.
  • Experience in leveraging diverse web development frameworks and libraries.
  • Strong knowledge of database management and SQL.
  • Experience in content management systems (CMS) like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal.

Web Developer Skill Requirements

While qualification is a basic criteria to succeed in the web development role, web developers must have expertise in these secondary but important skills.

  • Strong Problem-Solving Abilities and Analytical Thinking

Web developers must be able to break down complex problems, and implement effective solutions to solve them. They must apply logical reasoning and critical thinking to address potential challenges in the development lifecycle.

  • Attention to Detail and a Keen Eye for Design

Precision in coding and a strong sense of aesthetics ensure that web elements are perfectly aligned, functional, and visually appealing. Developers must meticulously follow design guidelines to create a seamless and engaging user experience.

  • Effective Communication and Teamwork

Collaboration is key in web development. Clear and concise communication with team members, designers, and clients holds the key to effectively translating ideas into functional web components.

  • Familiarity with Version Control Systems

Proficiency with version control systems, particularly Git, is essential for tracking changes, collaborating on code, and managing different versions of a project. It keeps the development process organized and maintains code integrity.

  • Continuous Learning and Adaptability to New Technologies and Trends

The web development field evolves rapidly. Developers must continuously learn and adapt to new frameworks, languages, and best practices to stay relevant and deliver innovative solutions that meet modern standards and user expectations.

Salary and Compensation for Web Developers

Salaries for web developers can vary based on experience, location, and specialization. Across roles, the average salary that web developers earn in USD are as follows:

  • Entry-level web developers: $50,000 – $70,000 per year
  • Mid-level web developers: $70,000 – $90,000 per year
  • Senior web developers: $90,000 – $120,000+ per year

These are just estimates, as each organization has a different pay-scale structure for web development roles. However, we can expect web developers to earn in these ranges.

Career Path and Progression in Web Development

The career progression of web developers typically follows a series of stages and potential specializations as they gain experience and expertise in the field. These career paths offer different opportunities and challenges, allowing web developers to tailor their careers to their interests, skills, and professional goals:

  • Becoming a Senior Developer or Lead Developer: As web developers accumulate experience, they often progress from junior roles to senior positions. With time they take up more complex projects, mentor junior developers, and make significant contributions to the web development process.
  • Technology or domain-specific Expertise: Another path for career advancement is specialization. Based on choice, web developers can choose to focus on a specific technology, such as front-end or back-end development, or even become full-stack developers where they participate in the end-to-end web development process. Similarly, they might also specialize in a particular industry, such as e-commerce, healthcare, finance, or education, making them highly valuable to employers or clients seeking specialized knowledge.
  • Transitioning into Roles Such as Software Architect, Project Manager, or Product Manager: With significant experience, web developers transition into more strategic roles. For instance, a software architect focuses on designing the overall structure of software systems They can move up as project managers and product managers. These roles allow them to combine their technical knowledge, leadership skills, and business acumen.
  • Starting own web development agency or becoming a freelance developer: Some web developers opt for entrepreneurship by starting their own web development agencies. On the other hand there are developers who choose to become freelancers, and offer their services on a project-by-project basis.

Key Tools and Technologies Used by Web Developers

Web development is a complex process, and development has to showcase a strong acumen in implementing a diverse range of tools and technologies to work on different facets of a website. Typically, web developers implement leverage these tools and technologies for web development:

  • Code editors and integrated development environments (IDEs) like Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, and Atom.
  • Version control systems like Git and platforms like GitHub or GitLab.
  • Front-end frameworks and libraries such as React, Angular, and Vue.js.
  • Back-end frameworks like Django, Ruby on Rails, and Node.js.
  • Database management systems like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB.
  • Package managers like npm (Node Package Manager) and Yarn.
  • Task runners and build tools like Gulp and Grunt
  • CSS Preprocessors and Frameworks like Sass (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets), Less, Tailwind CSS
  • JavaScript Superset and Transpilers like TypeScript and Babel
  • Testing frameworks and tools like Jest, Mocha, and Selenium
  • WebSockets and Real-Time Communication such as Socket.IO and Pusher
  • Development Environments and Platforms such as Heroku and Netlify
  • CI/CD tools such as Jenkins, Travis CI, and CircleCI


We exhaustively discussed web developers and how they play a central role in the web development process. In the changing technological era, web developers must be keen about one thing which is constantly adapting to change.

The rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning and allied areas like AR and VR have revolutionized web development, as most websites these days are built with these capabilities. Finoit has an excellent pool of web developers who are proficient in leveraging the latest technology and evolving capabilities to deliver best-in-class applications.

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